Katie The DoulaTM
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Skills and Fees

Special skills in most prominent childbirth techniques
  (Lamaze and Bradley)

Acupressure and Rebozo Techniques

Home birth, birth center and hospital  familiar

I am also a Foreskin and Circumcision Educator and offer classes for a minimal fee of $10 per person/$15 per couple. This class is intended for interested parents and family members. This is an unbiased 2 hour course and presents facts versus myths and will ensure parents make an informed decision regarding their baby. If I am hired as your doula and you'd like to cover this information one on one we can do that as well.

$800 Flat Rate

Serving the greater Phoenix Area

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How Doulas Assist Child Birthing Families

Doulas are labor support professionals who are the newest members of today's maternity care team. The Doula stays by the side of the laboring woman and her partner(s) throughout labor.

The Doula provides emotional support, an objective viewpoint, and assistance in getting information needed for decision making.

The Doula offers suggestions and promotes techniques to enhance labor progress and relieve pain, including relaxation, breathing, positioning, and other physical comfort measures.

Research studies have found that when Doulas attend births, including epidurals, less chance of forceps or cesarean delivery, and decreased length of labor result. There is also evidence that women experience less postpartum depression and have increased success with breastfeeding when they have support from a Doula.

Partners often feel more relaxed when they are part of a team and not the sole supporter. Partners participate with confidence and feel more emotionally available when they have assistance and a role model during this intimate and challenging event. Women and their partners experience increased satisfaction and more positive memories of their birth when they are supported by a Doula. -ADOBE


The father or partner, may be better able to provide continuous support but has little actual experience in dealing with the forces of labor. Even fathers who have had intensive preparation are often surprised at the amount of work involved (more than enough for two people). Even more important, many fathers experience the birth as an emotional journey of their own and find it hard to be objective in such a situation. -DONA

Will the Doula replace the father?

Some fathers or partners are concerned they may be displaced by the doula during labor. ADOBE doulas will not replace the father. A responsible doula supports and encourages the father and enhances his support style rather than replaces him. The doula allows for the partner to participate at their own comfort level and will make sure that the partner's needs are being met as well as the mother's. In fact, studies have shown that fathers/partners usually participate more actively during labor in the presence of a doula than without one. -DONA

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